Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Lappi Lake Early Season Attempt

Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness, Bitterroot National Forest, Montana

Western Montana has been experiencing record warmth the last few days, and I just had to see if I could get to Lapi Lake and stay dry doing it. First I passed the old dam and the small lake still behind it. This was the first irrigation dam in Montana back in the 1800's. It was made out of wood so not much has survived but logs that tumble into the spring runoff get caught up here and help keep it in kind of working order. It makes a great place for a snack stop and many people hike just this far back into the valley.
My plan was to cross the creek on an ice or snow bridge at about 5 miles from the mouth of the valley then climb up the south wall to the little lake. Turns out I could not find a safe way across the creek. All the extra water flowing from the warm weather has ruined my planned crossing places. This was the best bridge I could find and it made cracking noises as I got barely on the edge. As cold as the water was I didn't want to go for a cold swim so I looked for adventure on my side of the creek.
The ice wall from 2 weeks ago was collapsed and it was back to being a waterfall. I have never seen it with flowing water in the middle of winter. As soon as things get back to normal in the next week it will start to become a wonderful ice sculpture again. That was over 100 feet of ice and it was so thick it had to be measured in feet. What a change the southern exposure and warm weather makes on the rocks and ice.
On the hike out I found some clumps of grass that were mostly covered by the snow, but still showed enough to make an interesting photo. If there had been any wind at all it would have ruined the reflection of all the trees on the slope higher up. I didn't get where I wanted to but still spent a wonderful day in the backcountry and didn't see anyone else till I was almost back to the truck. I enjoy making fresh tracks in the snow, and the snow does make it easier to go across slopes that otherwise would be chocked with brush.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Sheep Mountain Trail

Rattlesnake National Recreation Area, Lolo National Forest, Montana

Really warm day for January in Montana, it was above freezing anyhow, so Geri and I set out to see how the trails were in the Rattlesnake Mountains north of Missoula. We found things pretty icy as we headed up the Sheep Mountain trail from Woods Gulch.
Once we got higher than 5,800 feet there was enough snowpack to make traveling easier; well at least not as slick. Didn't need the snowshoes as it has been cold enough lately to create a hard crust on the snow. Even though it was in the 30's it held up and I never sunk in deeper than mid calf. Thin clouds overhead kept me from getting a great blue ski for taking pictures. Still had lots of fun and as always any day spent in the mountains is a good one.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Bass Creek Valley

Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness, Montana

First day of the new year and back to see how the recent cold snap has impacted one of my favorite backcountry trails. Also thought I would try to get up to one of the unnamed high points on the north ridge of the valley. What I found was lots and lots of ice on Bass Creek. Some open flowing water was left but not as much open spaces as I had expected. The valley floor along the creek never got any sunlight today, and I would be surprised if the temp ever got above 10. It was below 0 at the trailhead when I started out.
The first 3 miles I was able to walk without having to use my snowshoes, just traction devices on my boots, but then the snow got deep in a hurry. I worked my way up the side of the ridge to see if I could get to some windblown areas. That just didn't work today. About 3 feet of snow has fallen higher up in the Bitterroots in the past 10 days I was was making my own trail through it all. After a lot of work I found an area that had little snow and some sun but it was on a really steep slope. To make it worse only 100 yards beyond these trees I was back into deep snow. I ended up taking a break and eating lunch leaning on the crooked tree in this picture.
With lots of effort I made it almost to the top of this high point, but the snow was pretty deep, the angle was beyond 35 degrees and I was feeling uncomfortable with the potential of starting a small avalanche that would have me in it. So I will save this for another day. It still made for a great day in the woods. I saw 1 other person and that was within 1/2 mile of the trailhead on my way out.
Winter days with no clouds are rare enough that even though they tend to be very cold, I just hate to waste them by being indoors. Can't wait for the next one.