Saturday, October 28, 2017

Lappi Lake

Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness, Bitterroot National Forest, Montana

Clear sky, no wind and temps as warm as they will be till next spring, I thought a last effort to get up to Lappi lake and the unnamed peak behind it were in order. The approach trail up Bass Creek was 5 1/2 miles of bliss. More like a gold carpeted walkway with all the larch needles that have fallen. Except for about a dozen trees that have fallen across the trail from a windstorm last week the trail was in excellent shape.
At about 4 miles in the valley opens up and the first hints of snow up higher were visible. The mountains at the far end of the valley were completely snow covered. The lake I was headed for is just beyond the peak you can see in this photo.
Once I found a safe creek crossing I started up the steep slope up to the lake. The trail has been unmaintained for over 10 years and the amount of blow down and brush growth was pretty incredible. It took me just over 2 hours to go 1 1/2 miles. Unfortunately some of the upper sections were pretty icy. Made for some dicey footing but I did make it to Lappi Lake for a late lunch. There was thin ice all the way across the lake, a sure sign that winter is on its way.
I wanted to summit the little peak but conditions were to slippery as the slope steepened. The peak isn't going anywhere so I can come back for a visit. Trip down was a little quicker than the up, but not by much. Gravity wanted to help me along in the areas with slippery footing! With the storms that are due in this week this lake will be unsafe to get to till next summer. Glad I got one last visit in.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Diablo Mountain Fire Lookout

Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness, Clearwater National Forest, Idaho

With the fire season we have had this summer I expected to be busy with 3 active fires near the lookout I was to man for the next 6 days. But on the hike in the first storm in months was starting up. Even had a dusting of snow from 6,500 feet on to the top. Temps dropped down to the mid 20's in the afternoon so things were looking up for fire suppression. Total precip for the system was .18 of an inch...first in over 60 days!
The next morning had some of the clearest visibility in a while with most of the smoke cleared out.
Some of the frozen precip stayed on trees near the lookout till late in the day. I was glad to have it around even though it was a reminder that the temp stayed in the 30's most of the day.
On Sunday the fires got a bit more active and smoke was spreading around again some of the drainage's again.
Made for a neat sunset...but after the sun went down the wind started blowing hard and two of the fires got active enough that I was watching trees go up like matches.
Monday morning was cold. Could feel another storm coming. Shortly after lunch it hit and by  afternoon there was a winter look taking shape on the top of the mountain.
On Tuesday morning I had 6 inches of snow. Couldn't see a thing so it was all about staying inside the lookout and staying warm. Got a lot of reading done. Made pancakes for lunch. They are so good when there is snow just outside the windows.
Wednesday morning made for an interesting turn. It was the end of summer but with 9 inches of new snow overnight...the total on the ground was 17 inches. In places where it had drifted it was well over 2 feet deep. Made the morning commute to the outhouse more challenging. So did having to brush out all the snow prior to use. I sure would love to have a door on that thing!
The snow was coming down like it wanted to go straight into winter. Not much chance for the fires to spread any now.
Normally we wait for the next lookout to make it to the top before heading down the mountain. This time I was requested to start down when my relief started up so I could break trail across the upper mountain. It also allowed me to get off the mountain prior to it getting dark.
I'm sure that I witnessed the end of one of the worst fire seasons in decades. I also got a good look at winter because it will be here soon.

Friday, August 25, 2017

Flesher Pass to Rogers Pass on the CDT

Helena National Forest, Montana

Went to see Woody from the PCT as he works his way towards the end of the CDT. Hiked the stretch of trail between Flesher Pass and Rogers Pass then gave him a ride into Lincoln for the night. Ran into a patch of chokecherries that are just about ripe.
Got lucky for a bit as the wind created a small smoke free zone where we were at.
Looking north from a high point by the trail I could see where the fire in the Alice Creek drainage was chugging away. I was just up there 6 weeks ago. Hate to see it all burning.
Kicked up an elk and startled several grouse, or rather they startled me. Did see some weird wildlife sightings like all these ants on whats left of this flower.
...and lots of butterflies.
The trail was in perfect shape for cruising lots of miles without a lot of effort. It was amazing how quickly 11 miles went by. Then I had to turn around and go back to my car so I could drive around and give Woody a ride to Lincoln.
Someone put up a few new CDT markers that I haven't seen in the area before. They are like the ones along the PCT. I like the old wood signs used in the past but these will likely last a lot longer.
It was a good day and I am looking forward to seeing Woody at the north end of the trail.

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Twin Lakes and the CDT Anaconda Cutoff

Beaverhead-Deer Lodge National Forest, Montana

Fires in the Bitterroot chased out of the local hills and forced me to find someplace with less smoke. I headed off towards Anaconda and the CDT cutoff. After 4 miles of new trail I followed the old trail that is still on the ground but isn't being maintained any longer. It would be easy to miss if I hadn't been looking for the old trail.
It tied back in to the maintained trail that goes towards Twin Lakes after about 2 miles. I like the old trails like this the best because you just don't know what you will find. Like this old cabin that has seen much better days.
The lakes I wanted were only a short distance apart. I didn't take a fishing pole with me and of course the fish were actively surface feeding while I was there. Spend almost an hour at the upper lake exploring around the shore...
...and then went back to the lower lake and had a wonderful lunch.
After I made it back to my vehicle I decided to camp along the creek from the lower lake so I turned back around and headed back up the valley for the night. In the morning I found some cool mushrooms. Almost looked like pine cones when looking straight down at them.
After some exploring down another trail in the area I called it a trip and headed for home. Smoke was starting to build in with the shift in the wind.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Glacier National Parks Nyack Loop

Glacier National Park, Montana

Headed for a 4 day Glacier trip with the main goal of doing Goat surveys at 4 remote backcountry sites for the park biologists. Plan was for an 87 mile loop in the least visited area of the park. Turned out I never saw anyone else for the entire 4 days. A rare occurrence in glacier at the height of the season. Started on the  South Boundary trail. Lots and lots of lodgepole pines in this area.
Also saw lots of the fungus that reminds me of alien spaceships.
Ended up the first day doing a survey at the head of Harrison Lake near where I camped for the night.
In the morning I picked several handfuls of huckleberries to add to my granola for breakfast. Some of the biggest berries I have seen ever.
I wasn't the only one eating them...this reminder from a local bear let me know I wasn't as alone as I thought. He liked the berries as well.
As I headed up Coal Creek the trail became less distinct. Actually in places it was hard to tell that there was a trail there at all. My pace slowed from about 3 miles an hour to less than 1 an hour. In the worst stretch it took me almost 2 hours to cover 1 mile. That was pretty tough going.
Spent the night right where my second survey site was at. No goats to be seen at this spot but I did watch a big grizzly go up the ridge across from me. After he crossed into the next valley I made dinner and called it a day.

Day 3 started with more tough going but I did make it into Marthas Basin and up to both Beaver Woman and Buffalo Woman Lakes. These are some of my favorite lakes in the park because of the remoteness. This snow field looks small, but the trees at the lower right edge of it are 30 feet tall. Puts things in a bit more perspective.
The open space between the lakes had a great Beargrass Bloom going on. All the other locations of the bloom were well over. I was happy to see this happening.
Although it was slow going I did make it through most of the burn from 2 years ago before I camped for the night. I have never seen so much Fireweed in bloom in my life. It was like this for over 5 miles of travel.
The last day was pretty easy going compared to the last 3 days. Found where another bear was letting everyone know it was taken turf.
Finally got to where I could look down into Nyack creek and the many falls along its path. Had to cross it a few times before I got back to the south boundary trail and headed back to my car. Last day turned into a 27 mile day. Fun trip.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Sheep Mountain Summit

Rattlesnake Recreation Area, Lolo National Forest, Montana

With a bit of a heat wave (for Montana at least) in place I got an early start on my way to summit Sheep Mountain. While the trailhead isn't the easiest to get to due to a lack of signs on the forest service roads I did expect to see someone else out on this close to Missoula mountain. The best trail sign is actually 1 1/2 miles up the trail.
It was hard to find a cloud in the sky most of the day. This was my view once the trees started thinning out.
Near the summit one side was mostly blooming purple...
...while around on the other side it was just about all white.
Being Montana and so close to town some interesting things get left at the summit. This however was a first for me.
The marker for the high point predates the USGS. I like this one. Its in good shape for having been there since 1934. Most of the ones around the area are dated in the early 60's.
The huckleberry crop is going to be great this year. I found a few ripe ones. Ate a handful and brought back enough to make the first batch of homemade huckleberry ice cream for this year.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Little Saint Joe Peak Summit

Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness, Bitterroot National Forest, Montana

Heat Wave in the valley so off to a close mountain to get to a cool place. It really was a wonderful morning, had the trailhead all to myself as I set off. I was surprised to be the only vehicle at the trailhead as it is only 30 miles south of Missoula. Starting off in a lodgepole pine forest there were lots of trees down from the beating they took in last falls windstorm.
Averaging 19% for the first 3 miles it is an aggressive climb in places but quickly the views open up. This was my view of the Bass creek valley as I worked my way up Little St Joe.
The beargrass is blooming here as well. Not anything like the massive bloom in Glacier but enough to keep me entertained looking at all of them.
Eventually I got to the white bark pines and alpine larch, then on to the remaining snow. That was a great place to stop and have a snack in a dry area right by the snow. Stayed comfortably cool there.
Then it was a bit more snow on the way up. This snowfield started thin at the lower edge but was was deep enough and big enough that you could ski it if you wanted to. Sure makes the sky look a deep blue in contrast with the snow.
After a bit I made it through the snow to the summit block that was all melted out. While it is only a bit over 9,000 feet in elevation it gives great views deep into the heart of the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness. I hung out trying to ID as many of the snow clad peaks as I could. I also realized I will have to wait about 2 more weeks before going back up Sky Pilot.
On the way down i transitioned over to a section of the mountain that a fire fighting aircraft crashed on back in 1991. While all the big stuff was cleared from the mountain there are still lots of small pieces if you look. The folks who fly those fire suppression missions sure put it all on the line.
Other flowers were in bloom higher on the peak, sure do like seeing them all this time of year.
I spent a lot of time exploring all over the mountain. It was nice to beat the heat up high and I really wasn't in a rush to get back down to it. In 7 hours on the mountain I never saw another person out on it. The parking area at the trailhead was empty except for my vehicle. Not a bad day at all!