Sunday, January 19, 2020

Bass Creek Crags

Bitterroot Wilderness, Bitterroot National Forest, Montana

Forecast was for the first really sunny day in a while. The avalanche danger was still high but way better than it has been in a few weeks. Bass Creek is so close to the house it is a quick trail to start from. Only car in the lot when I started. Wanted to get up the valley to where it starts to widen out and head up the south side to try and get above the trees. This was my early view across the valley and it was my favorite photo for the day as well.

After going as high as I felt it was safe as a solo outing I dropped down near the creek. Found a spot where most of the snow on the trees had been blown off or melted. Love how the unexpected green shows up when it has been all rock, ice and snow all morning.

After a while I went back down the valley and was by the big ice run. Almost 300 vertical feet of ice. Sky came out really blue on the pic, must have been the angle of the photo.

This was what I had been climbing up earlier in the morning. Sure is a lot of pretty stuff in the Bitterroots. Can't wait to go back.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Bass Creek

Selway Bitterroot Wilderness, Bitterroot National Forest, Montana

Headed into the mountains with two significant weather warnings ongoing for the day. A high wind warning for gusts 40 to 50 miles per hour, and the highest ever avalanche warning. Snow was still coming down in the mountains, while it was mixed snow and rain in the valley. I picked Bass Creek because the only avalanche concern is about 7 miles up canyon, and I wasn't going that far, and it's pretty sheltered from most of the wind in the lower canyon. When I reached one of my favorite summertime fishing spots 2 miles up the route I could see the storm ahead. Was a pretty spot and a good chance for a snack.
Continuing up canyon and around the shoulder of the first mountain I ran smack into the wind and blowing snow. This picture was the only one I took from that point up till well after I turned around. No way to keep the blowing snow off the lens. Besides it was a really strong, cold wind.
Less than a mile from the trailhead on my return I took the camera out again. I liked this spot with the water flowing and the sheet of ice. Just can"t capture the real beauty of it with my photo skills.
When I made it back to the trailhead it was a bit before my fingers thawed all the way out. I should have taken windproof gloves along. Won"t make that mistake again this winter!

Saturday, December 21, 2019

1st Day of Winter

Bitterroot Mountains, Bitterroot National Forest, Montana

The first day of winter, but one of the warmest days in over 2 months. Unfortunately the road to the Bear Creek trailhead was so icy I turned around. Wasn't sure that I could get out if I got into the trailhead parking. Slope is too steep. The ice was between 1/2 and 1 inch thick. Made for some really slow going!
Came back up the valley where the ice at the Kootenai trailhead kept others away but was easy going with the gear I had along. Creek looks like winter with lots of ice. It was cold enough in the valley bottom that there was no melting going on, while in the main Bitterroot valley the temps hit 50 degrees.
About 2 miles up Kootenai Creek and up a ways on the south facing slope is a great place for spending the night. I often have a snack here or in todays case, lunch. It's flat, really protected by a big tree and the cliff face and almost never has any snow. Over time the rocks have been built up to make a great wind break as well. It was the only dry spot I had all day long. After my very leisurely lunch I kept going towards the Idaho line for a bit before heading back to the trailhead and home.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Rattlesnake Recreation Area

via Grant Creek and The Ravine Trail
Lolo National Forest, Montana

Only 2 to 3 inches of fresh snow as I started the trail, but mine were the first footprints in the fresh powder. Steady climbing quickly got me to deeper snow. Always fun to be the first through any snow.
I followed the Ravine trail for the first 2 miles, then I went off trail working my way to the ridgeline. Usually there is enough wind through this canyon that the trees are quickly blown free of the snow on the branches. Not today though so there were some interesting views as I went along.
At times it was a challenge to find my way through the interlaced branches. I followed a game trail for a bit and that helped but deer are lower than I am and fit better in places.
But I kept getting snow down my neck from every little branch I bumped. Normally I like the way the lichen is on the trees, but not so much today.
While near the top of one ridge I could look south towards the next one over. That was as clear a view as I got all day long. It looked like winter.
By the time I got back near the trailhead, others had been on the lower stretches of the trail and the snow was tracked up. Made for a cold but pretty day. Not a lot of color today but it was a fun trip and I always like exploring off trail. I also knew I had left some snacks in the car so the kept me moving once I got back on trail.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Lower Blodgett Canyon

Bitterroot National Forest, Montana

With a short window between storms I headed off towards the southern end of the Bitterroot range. Many of the roads leading to the trailheads become icy so I was hoping for good roads as well. Blodgett Canyon is always pretty so it became my destination. Moose and elk frequent the canyon and within the first 1/2 mile I found evidence of their being around. This sapling was just right for one of them to use for an antler rub.
Saw more beaver dams along the creek than ever before. They must be doing well. The slow water behind them will be good for fishing next summer!
Continuing up the valley I could see the storm ahead. At times visibility dropped to no more than 100 yards, then it would open up for a mile. I was defiantly hovering right along the lower edge of the snow and icy rain. Made for some really pretty photos.
When I got to the stock bridge a bit over 3 miles from the trailhead there was a clearing of the weather for about 20 minutes. Then it really started coming down. Had to put the camera away but I did get this pic of the bridge.
Went another mile or so up the canyon but then turned back. Lower down I went the better the weather got. By the time I got near the the tiger rock faces I got the camera back out. This pic of the Shoshone Spire is my favorite from the day.

I got one shot that has the 3 popular climbs in it. Not one person was doing any technical rock climbing today. In fact I only saw 4 other people the entire day.

The last bit of trail heading towards the Bitterroot Valley was the calmest portion of the day. I could still see weird weather behind me but it was nice getting back to the trailhead.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Kootenai Creek

Selway-Bitterroot National Forest, Montana

Black Friday. Hike or shop...I went for a hike. No other cars at the trailhead when I arrived. It was 15 degrees and lightly snowing when I started on the trail. The first mile closely follows the creek and boy was it icy. While it is one of my favorite creeks to fish wasn't happening today!
The further back into the mountains I went the faster the snow was building up. The strong winds from Wednesday had most everything blown clear, and added to the new trees blown down in the creek bottom. I climbed out onto the broader sides of unnamed mountains along the valley. What I found was snow coming down faster and faster. I decided when I got 5 miles in I would have to turn around. When I turned back tracks that were only 30 minutes old were filling in and disappearing.
With the weather being the way it was I kept the camera put away most of the time. I did notice that the ice was building in the creek from the bottom up in a lot of the areas. It has to be really cold for that to be happening and I had to get a picture of it.
When I was almost back to the trailhead I did run across 2 small groups coming out for a walk. While I'm sure they were only going a short way they were about to see some neat ice sculptures by mother nature in the creek.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Wagon Mountain Summit

Bitterroot Mountains Idaho and Montana

Wagon Mountain is the first named mountain on the Montana side of Lolo Pass. The trailhead is in Idaho but you quickly cross into Montana. This is one area that you just wouldn't know you had crossed the state line unless you had a GPS or really know the area.

Although I got an early start, the morning fog had lifted and left the willows along the creek covered in frost. Lots of contrasting colors made for a really pretty sight.
Just 2 to 3 inches of snow along the first part of the route. Fun to follow the Lewis and Clark trail. Glad to see the little trees mixed in with all the big ones. This part of the forest is really healthy.
After a shortcut across one of the valleys on the way I found myself in low brush that was all covered with fresh snow. It made for a pretty way up the hillside.
Really surprised when I saw the summit area on Wagon Mountain. No snow! The brown trees are the remains of a lightning caused small fire from this summer. The fire crews fast action kept it small.
This is the actual high spot on the mountain. The dead tree that was there for so many years finally fell over. After standing on the high point for a little bit I headed down the mountain on a cross country excursion. Followed moose tracks for a bit but never found the moose.
After only a few hours running around I made it back to the trailhead and was on my way home. The wind came up before I left and was the predecessor to a storm that was on its way.