Bitterroot Wilderness, Bitterroot National Forest, Montana
Forecast was for the first really sunny day in a while. The avalanche danger was still high but way better than it has been in a few weeks. Bass Creek is so close to the house it is a quick trail to start from. Only car in the lot when I started. Wanted to get up the valley to where it starts to widen out and head up the south side to try and get above the trees. This was my early view across the valley and it was my favorite photo for the day as well.
After going as high as I felt it was safe as a solo outing I dropped down near the creek. Found a spot where most of the snow on the trees had been blown off or melted. Love how the unexpected green shows up when it has been all rock, ice and snow all morning.
After a while I went back down the valley and was by the big ice run. Almost 300 vertical feet of ice. Sky came out really blue on the pic, must have been the angle of the photo.
This was what I had been climbing up earlier in the morning. Sure is a lot of pretty stuff in the Bitterroots. Can't wait to go back.
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