No wind and some blue poking through the clouds changed my plans and off to the Bitterroot Wilderness I went. Following Saturday's trailhead check it was back to Kootenia Creek for my starting point. Saw 2 climbers heading to set routes in the canyon as I started, but then I was on my own for the rest of the trip. After several crossings back and forth on ice bridges (one of them made a bit of a cracking sound that really got my attention) I wandered up the slopes to see what I could find.
I made it most of the way to the lakes, but exploration of the valley took more time than just following the trail. Lots of snow remains throughout the Bitterroots, may be few weeks before its camping time at the heads of the valleys. The burned areas from the 2009 fire really look different when there is snow on the ground, so many of the trees have fallen that they make cross country travel a bit more difficult. Lots of wilderness area to get growing again. I look forward to watching the changes as the years go by.
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