One of the rare days when there wasn't a cloud in the sky to be seen anywhere across the horizon. So off to the high country I went. Lots of events this weekend celebrating 50 years of the Wilderness Act, so spending time in my backyard wilderness seemed a better way to celebrate that by going to a picnic. There are still have flowers blooming at 7500 feet, even a few beargrass blooms that surprised me. Insects were busy getting the last of the pollen while getting ready for winter.
My plan was to climb at least one of the Pyramid Buttes, but high winds on the ridge caused me to turn back a 1/4 mile from the summit. Better to be safe and climb again another day. Besides it gave me a chance to explore all 4 of the high country lakes in the upper reaches of the canyon. They all have crystal clear, cold water.
Even though we still have 2 weeks of summer left, Fall is coming quickly and some of the plants are showing the changing colors. While I enjoy the reds for the beauty, I know it is a warning that snow will soon be taking over again. In a few shaded north side places there is still snow left from last winter.
I did find this mushroom that was much bigger than my hand, at least 9 inches across and 6 inches high. If I knew what kind it was, and that it wasn't poisonous it would have made a meal all by itself. This was the biggest mushroom I have seen this year.
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