Friday, May 29, 2015

Kootenai Creek Valley

Selway-Bitteroot Wilderness, Montana

A nice warm spring day after several days of afternoon storms so off to the mountains I went. The sound of the creek as I approached the valley let me know it was flowing a lot faster than normal. Soon I saw what is normally a crystal clear ribbon of water along the valley floor was instead rushing and churning to get to the Bitterroot River.
As I explored along the river and up the sides of the valley I found that I was looking at all the flowers in bloom. Trying new settings on my camera I got some of them with good photos, and some of the photos were not very good at all! These are a small sample of all the beautiful flowers. I wish some of the mass of purple ones had turned out, they were among the prettiest groups of flowers I saw all day.
 I have not been able to find this purple flower in my identification book. I loved the delicate bloom, and the great design on the leaves. I will have to keep looking because I really want to know what it is.

As I was finding a good Trillium to take a picture of, I stumbled on some black bear footprints in the mud almost 5 miles up the valley. I have never seen any bear prints in this valley before. Usually all I find are wolf prints.
This Indian Paintbrush was such a unique color, it caught my attention. Most of them were a very deep red, but a small area had these orange ones.
I like this flower as it goes to seed. Looks like it has a hair style fit for a punk rocker.

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