Friday, July 22, 2016

Big Creek Lake Area

Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness, Bitterrot National Forest, Montana.

With a warm morning, a great looking day with few clouds and a cold front on the way I started out from the Big Creek Trailhead with plans to try a new route up to Ranger Peak. So many shades of green and the water was crystal clear. An absolute joy to be out in the mountains.
This mushroom was right by the side of the trail and was a full 9 inches across. I have no idea what kind it is but if it was an edible one it would be a meal all by itself!
A bit over 9 miles in I came to the outlet of Big Creek Lake. Pretty steep waterfall just to the right of this photo so care is needed in crossing the outlet. It can be a bit slippery on the wet granite. I made it across with no problem but I was careful.
After skirting most of the way around the lake I bushwhacked through the brushed just started to find my way up. I was headed for the highpoint in this picture but wanted to come at it from the right side. The ridge is the Idaho/Montana border.
It kept getting steeper. Enough that I was having a hard time getting around these rock fins. Eventually it got so steep that a fall would have been fatal. I turned around then.
I found this gully to use on the way down. It was still slow going but was better than the rock had been.
When I got back towards the lake for the nightie was only a little bit till sunset. Lots of pretty flowers along the way. When I did pick out a flat spot the wind really started blowing with the passage of the cold front.  I was glad I wasn't up on the peaks then.
This was the view I had of the sunrise. I was surprised to find the clouds still around, but at least the wind had died down to a breeze again.
In the first light of morning the low clouds were still in place. I waited around by the lake for about an hour before I decided not to try a route up again. Steep wet granite is not fun to mess around on.
I decided to explore my way back to the trailhead. Ended up eating a lot of huckleberries as I went. Brought almost a gallon bag home with me as well.
Only a few tasty wild raspberries along the trail. I ate all the ripe ones I could find.
I have no idea what these plants sprouting from the soil are. I don't have any guidebooks that tell me what they could be. Maybe they are aliens invading the planet. Probably something related to a mushroom would be my guess.
Don't often see toads in this area. Found this big guy in the brush as I was looking at some flowers.
Last crossing of the creek as the trailhead is getting closer. I love this view back up the valley.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Morrell Falls

Lolo National Forest, Montana

After hiking out the nearby Pyramid Peak trailhead I decided for a quick trip up to Morrell Falls. Although a very popular hike I was the first one at the ample parking area and saw another car pull in as I headed up the trail. With none ahead of me I hoped there would be a moose at the first little lake 2 miles up the trail. No moose but there was a bit of mist rising from the water. A pretty sight.
This is not a year for the Bear Grass to be in a big bloom, but a few showing off here and there.
I made it to the main falls well ahead of anyone else, and it was nice to have them to myself.
There is a forest service sign to not climb on the rocks, but I took the unmarked trail that goes to grizzly basin and then cut over to the upper falls. Sun was in a bad position so no photos of the upper falls came out. The creek between them is pretty as well and few ever see it.
The early crowd really started showing up. When I got back to the main falls the folks from the car that had pulled in as I was headed up the trail were just getting there. I started counting with them figuring i might see up to 20 by the time I hiked back to the truck. It turned out to be 52 people, 8 dogs and 1 mountain bike. I overheard one person talking loudly about how the falls better be good cause with all the trees the scenery was awful. I took a picture from where he was at and thought it was still pretty. I figure I will never see him back in the far reaches of anywhere.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Pyramid Peak and Crimson Peak Summits

Bob Marshall Wilderness, Lolo and Flathead National Forests, Montana

Started later in the day than normal from the Pyramid Pass trailhead. Had to chuckle because there is a new sign that says the pass and the Bob Marshall Wilderness are 4 miles away. It has always been 6 miles in the past. The GPS still had it at 6 miles. But it was a beautiful day and as the pass became closer some wonderful views opened up. Eventually I was going to be on that ridge up there, 2,500 feet higher.
First I had to cross this little creek a few times. The water is clear and cold, and it tasted great as I was working up a sweat while climbing up towards the pass.
This little unnamed lake sits right at the pass. It has a few good sized tout in it but no place along its shore for a proper backcast. Pyramid Peak is the high point in the back.
Skirting the unnamed lake I started right up the ridge. The original plan was to get up to the summit of Pyramid Peak in the morning but figured there was still enough time to make a summit bid and still get down to the bigger lake I wanted to camp at. No trail goes where I was headed, so it was just a steep pick a line and go for it.
I made it to the top and considered spending the night right there but after having dinner I started down towards the lake to camp.
Ended up staying by the outlet of Pyramid Lake with a great view of the peak. Funny but the photo sure makes it look smaller and easier than it was. Had deer walking through my camp all night long. Something a lot bigger went through as well to get a drink. Thought better of it and didn't shine my headlight in its direction.
Up with the sun (a bit after 5 am) on packed up and on the trail by 5:15. It was a ways to get to where the old trail for Crimson Peak was supposed to be. It has not been maintained in a while, and all the downed trees from a fire a few years back didn't seem as if they would be much of a help. Kept seeing deer, does with fawns, groups of does, some bucks in velvet, and one big ol boy that would have all the hunters drooling. I tried to get a picture of him, but he was way to skittish. Also came across a few of these mushrooms, this one was the size of a dinner plate. I thought it looked more like coral and belonged in the ocean.
Don't know what this flower is but it caught me eye. Need to get a new flower ID book.
There was a small patch of Yellow Columbine, don't see many of them so was happy for their company.
But the best find of all was a section along a lower hillside that was full of wild strawberries. The ripe fruit was only the size of a large blueberry. But the flavor was so great. I spent 20 minutes picking and eating the ripe ones. If only there had been more!
Some other wildlife kept me company, but beetles didn't delay me for long.
The old trail was pretty bad. Only 20 yard long sections every now and then could be found. Slow going up and over all the deadfall but eventually I made it up higher than the old treeline and started dealing with rock. I kept the camera put away with all the up and over deadfall so I wouldn't lose it. I got it back out here. A bit of exposure in some spots along the way.
There was one narrow section that I took my time through. A good place to not fall. It's a long way down.
Eventually I made it to the summit. The sky was starting to really change with the cold front getting closer. This was not someplace I wanted to be if the weather crumped.
Near the summit there were sections with lots of stonecrop getting a bloom on. I like these little plants.
Not much activity anymore up on this summit as even the USGS survey marker is getting overgrown.
Looking for a route up nearby Leota Peak I went down Crimson on the other ridge, where there was a great game trail that I was able to follow for well over a mile. The elk know the easy was to get around on this mountain.I saw what i think is the best way up but my legs thought better of trying today so it was back towards Pyramid Pass and the small unnamed lake for the night. It did start to rain as I got to where I planned to camp, but it only lasted for an hour or so. It was a much cooler night and I was lots more tired than a 24 mile day should have left me. A good nights sleep, up with the sun and out to the trailhead. Good trip.