Sunday, July 3, 2016

Morrell Falls

Lolo National Forest, Montana

After hiking out the nearby Pyramid Peak trailhead I decided for a quick trip up to Morrell Falls. Although a very popular hike I was the first one at the ample parking area and saw another car pull in as I headed up the trail. With none ahead of me I hoped there would be a moose at the first little lake 2 miles up the trail. No moose but there was a bit of mist rising from the water. A pretty sight.
This is not a year for the Bear Grass to be in a big bloom, but a few showing off here and there.
I made it to the main falls well ahead of anyone else, and it was nice to have them to myself.
There is a forest service sign to not climb on the rocks, but I took the unmarked trail that goes to grizzly basin and then cut over to the upper falls. Sun was in a bad position so no photos of the upper falls came out. The creek between them is pretty as well and few ever see it.
The early crowd really started showing up. When I got back to the main falls the folks from the car that had pulled in as I was headed up the trail were just getting there. I started counting with them figuring i might see up to 20 by the time I hiked back to the truck. It turned out to be 52 people, 8 dogs and 1 mountain bike. I overheard one person talking loudly about how the falls better be good cause with all the trees the scenery was awful. I took a picture from where he was at and thought it was still pretty. I figure I will never see him back in the far reaches of anywhere.

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