Saturday, November 5, 2016

Sweeney Ridge

Seaway-Bitterroot Wilderness, Bitterroot National Forest, Montana

Vivid blue sky to start the day so off to the high country I went. Decided on the Sweeney Trailhead as it is so close to the house. The last miles of the dirt road to the trailhead were worse for wear from all the recent rain, but still easily navigated in 2 wheel drive. Lower parts of the trail were carpeted in the fallen larch needles so it was like following the yellow brick road. There is a nice view off the trail a bit after a mile or 2. That was when I decided to head for the connecting ridge to Sweeney Peak to see how much snow was up there..
Took some off trail scrambling but the end of the ridge was soon close at hand. Then it started getting interesting.
The patchy snow became full coverage. Animal tracks and sign were all over the place. Some recent elk rub on this poor tree.
And this bird was likely something I would eat. Lots of grouse in the area. Tracks make for a mighty this stew though.
As I continued on the snow became deeper. In places I was breaking through to thigh deep cold. A lot of the top was still firm from cold temps from the night before. The 27 degree start 5,000 feet lower had to be really cold up here.
After playing around and taking to many photos I headed back down. I didn't have all the gear for the snow that I should have brought with me. Took a different path back down, sure was fun navigating this section.
On the way back I ran into the same flock of turkeys I saw on the way up the valley. While they look like they would go well with stuffing, it was their lucky day. I know where they hang out now so they best be stealthy. Thanksgiving is coming...

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