Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Apgar Mountain Summit

Glacier National Park, Montana.

Arrived in the park and secured a campsite. With hours of light left with it being the first day of summer I decided for a after dinner hike. Apgar Mountain trailhead was pretty close so off I went.  Because of the late start time I had the climb up all to myself. I made it up to the fire lookout in an hour and a half. Pretty quick considering the elevation gain and all the stops to look at flowers.
Most say that the lookout is on the summit but it sits about 200 feet in elevation and a quarter of a mile from the actual summit. I'm glad I went to the actual summit, even though it is a bit rough due to all the down trees from a long ago fire. Good part of it was that the meadow by the high point was really blooming. It was the only spot a little sheltered from the wind so I could take a picture without everything moving.
White flowers were really the bloomers on this mountain. Besides the beargrass all over the mountain, there were the most Mariposa Lillies in bloom in one place I have ever seen.
On the way down I could hear someone coming up a long ways off. He had quite an accent but was  "hey bearing" at the top of his lungs. Even with the wind any bears within a mile of him knew he was coming. 

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